Saturday, 4 June 2016

Most Commonly Used and Abused Drugs

Without questions the most commonly used abused drugs after alcohol is marijuana each year more teens enter addiction treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than all other illegal drugs combined other common drugs of abuse include cocaine heroin inhalants LSD acid MDMA ecstasy methamphetamine phencyclidine PCP steroids anabolic vicodin oxycontin and other prescription drugs for additional information about specific drugs including information by drug category street name how it is used and health risks:
commonly abused drugs.

      Short-term Effects of Drugs Use

Drugs are chemicals and while each drug produces different physical effects all abused substance share one thing in common they hijack the normal function of the brain and change the way the brain responds to issues of self -control judgment emotion motivation memory and learning.

This is why the person feels differently the signals coming and going from the brain have changed although this can cause temporary euphoria it can also causes hallucinations anxiety paranoia and uncontrolled behavior it can causes your respiratory lungs and cardiovascular heart system to malfunction or fail.

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