Saturday 4 June 2016

Facts About Drugs

According to the national survey on drug use and health NSDUH an estimate 20 millions americans aged 12 or older an illegal drug in the past 30 days this estimate represents 8% percent of the population aged 12 years old or older illicit drugs include marijuana/hashish cocaine heroin hallucinogens inhalants or prescription drugs used without a prescription.

  Cost To Society

The estimate cost of drug abuse exceeds $190 billions 
  • $130 billions in lost productivity
  • $20 billion in healthcare costs
$40 billion in legal costs including efforts to steam the flow of drugs

Beyond the financial costs is the cost to individuals families and society;
  • Spread of infectious diseases such as hiv/aids and hepatitis C either through sharing of drugs paraphernalia or unprotected sex
  • Deaths due to overdose or other complications from drug abuse
  • Effects on unborn children of pregnant drug users 
  • impact on the family crime and homelessness

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